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Invite a User to Collaborate

Invite a User to Collaborate

  1. Navigate to the space you wish to invite a user to:
  • Workspace: invitee can view all data
  • Folder: invitee can view all data in the project folder and its sub-folders
  • Asset: invitee can only view the selected asset
  1. Click Members in the menu bar to view and add members
  2. Check that the extension name at the top of the window matches the asset, project folder or workspace that you wish to share access to
  3. Click Add members
  4. Enter the new user’s email address
  5. Select the user’s access level under Role:
  • Member: Can view, change settings, and invite others
  • Viewer: Can view and comment
  1. Adjust further invite settings as desired (including membership expiration limits)
  2. Click Invite

The user will receive an email invitation. Please check spam folders before resending.